Import ics into outlook calendar
Import ics into outlook calendar

import ics into outlook calendar import ics into outlook calendar

I didn't make any other changes outside of what you instructed. I also noticed that about 20 appointments did copy but that is a small fraction of what should have copied. That's what I did (see below in bold) and when I ran it I received the attached error message. In Outlook 2007 and older, it’s at Tools, Macro Security. To check your macro security in Outlook 2010 and above, go to File, Options, Trust Center and open Trust Center Settings, and change the Macro Settings. Cut or copy the appointments based on the modified time.įirst: You will need macro security set to low during testing. Turn off grouping and sort by the Modified date field. If you are only moving recently imported events into the group calendar, add the modified field to the view. Reset the view or switch back to the monthly view when you're finished.Switch to a List view on the group calendar.Select the events then use Ctrl+X to cut (or Ctrl+C to copy).You need to use Cut and Paste, drag and drop doesn’t work. MeetingStatus = olMeetingReceivedAndCanceled Set objFolder = įor intCount = objItems.Count To 1 Step -1 To use, select the Group calendar you need to clear then run the macro. This macro clears the Group Calendar but does not send cancelation messages - if you need to send cancelations, you'll need to cancel each meeting "the old fashioned way". Because each event is a meeting, you can't simply delete everything, you need to cancel the meetings and send the Cancelation. One thing I quickly discovered when testing the macro was how tedious it is to delete events from a group calendar. MsgBox "An error occurred - Exporting items to Calendar." ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = xlSheet.Cells(i, 9) Set CalFolder = ĭo Until Trim(xlSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value) = "" Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")Īpplication.StatusBar = "Please wait while Excel source is opened. StrPath = enviro & "\Documents\appointments.xlsx" You'll need to identify the Group Folder using Set CalFolder = and select the Group Calendar before running the macro. The Excel version of this macro is here: " Create Appointments Using Spreadsheet Data". To use, open the Group Calendar you want to add the appointments to and run the macro. If the appointment data is stored in a CSV or Excel workbook, you can import the worksheet using this Outlook macro. If objPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursYearNth Then If objPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursYearly Then If objPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursMonthNth ThenĬApptPattern.DayOfWeekMask = cApptPattern.DayOfWeekMask If objPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursMonthly ThenĬApptPattern.DayOfMonth = cApptPattern.DayOfMonth If objPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursWeekly ThenĬApptPattern.DayOfWeekMask = objPattern.DayOfWeekMask Set cApptPattern = cAppt.GetRecurrencePatternĬApptPattern.StartTime = objPattern.StartTimeĬApptPattern.EndTime = objPattern.EndTimeĬApptPattern.RecurrenceType = objPattern.RecurrenceTypeĬApptPattern.PatternStartDate = objPattern.PatternStartDateĬApptPattern.Interval = objPattern.IntervalĬApptPattern.NoEndDate = objPattern.NoEndDateĬApptPattern.Duration = objPattern.DurationĬApptPattern.Occurrences = cApptPattern.OccurrencesĬApptPattern.PatternEndDate = objPattern.PatternEndDate Set objPattern = obj.GetRecurrencePattern Subject = obj.Subject & Format(Time, " hh:mm:ss") 'you are viewing the group calendar to add them to Set objFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).folders("CopyGroups") To use, add the appointments you need on the group calendar to a calendar folder in your mailbox then select the group calendar you want to add them to and run the macro. This macro does not copy exceptions (it will handle recurrences). This macro will copy appointments from a calendar in your mailbox (this example uses a subfolder under your calendar folder called "CopyGroups") to the group calendar and sends the meeting (which is required to add it to the group calendar and sync to the server.) The second macro below created appointments using data stored in CSV files or Excel Wordbooks. Do not import them into your own calendar as the macro creates a copy of everything in the source calendar into the Group Calendar and sends invites to all group members. ics file, you'll need to import the events into an Outlook Calendar (or open the ics file as a Calendar).

Import ics into outlook calendar